




Introduction to Digital Marketing

Evolution of Digital Marketing from traditional ,Role of Internet, Current trends, Info-graphics Implications for business & society, Emergence of digital marketing as a tool, Drivers of the new marketing environment, Digital marketing strategy, P.O.E.M. framework, Digital landscape, Digital marketing plan, Digital marketing models.



Internet Marketing and Digital Marketing Mix 

Internet Marketing, Opportunities and challenges, Digital marketing framework, Digital Marketing mix, Search Engine Advertising, Pay for Search Advertisements, Ad Placement, Ad Rank,Creating Ad Campaigns, Types of Display Ads, Buying Models, Programmable Digital Marketing, Analytical Tools and examples, YouTube marketing with examples.



Social Media Marketing Introduction to social media platforms, penetration & characteristics, Building a successful social media marketing strategy, Face book Marketing, Business through Face book Marketing, Creating Advertising Campaigns, Adverts, Face book Marketing Tools LinkedIn Marketing, Introduction and Importance of LinkedIn Marketing, Framing LinkedIn Strategy, Lead Generation through LinkedIn, Content Strategy, Analytics and Targeting.





Twitter Marketing Introduction to Twitter Marketing, how twitter Marketing is, framing content strategy, Twitter Advertising Campaigns, Instagram and Snapchat, Digital Marketing Strategies, Mobile Advertising, Forms of Mobile Marketing, Features Mobile Campaign Development, Mobile Advertising Analytics.




Introduction to SEOHow to use internet &search engines, Search engine and its 
working pattern, SEO phases, On-page and off-page optimization, SEO Tactics, 
Introduction to Digital Analytics- Data collection of Web Analytics, Key metrics 

Impact matrix, Machine learning in google Analytics, Multichannel attribution



1) Which of the following is the correct depiction of Digital Marketing?

a.            E-mail Marketing

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Web Marketing
  3. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

2) Which of the following is incorrect about digital marketing?

a.            Digital marketing can only be done offline

  1. Digital marketing cannot be done offline.
  2. Digital marketing requires electronic devices for promoting goods and services.
  3. In general, digital marketing can be understood as online marketing, web marketing, and e-mail marketing.

Answer : b) Digital marketing cannot be done offline.

3) How many types of pillars do we have in digital marketing?

a.            1

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4

Answer: b) 2

4) What is considered while creating a front page of the website or homepage?

a.            References of other websites

  1. A brief elaboration about the company
  2. Logos portraying the number of awards won by the web designer
  3. None of the above

Answer: d) None of the above

5) What is the name of the process in which marketing is achieved by incorporating tools, techniques, electronic devices, technologies, or systems?

a.            Internet Marketing

  1. Direct Marketing
  2. Electronic Marketing
  3. Interactive Marketing

Answer: c) Electronic Marketing

6) Which of the following factors are responsible for leaving an impact on the Google PageRank?

a.            The text depicting inbound links to a page of a website.

  1. A total number of inbound links to a website's page.
  2. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a website.
  3. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a website.

Answer: b) Total number of inbound links to a website's page.

7) The full form of FFA page is __________.

a.            Free for All Links

  1. Free for Alexa
  2. Free for Alternative Links
  3. Free for All Search Engine

Answer: a) Free for All Links

8) Which of the following is the correct depiction of optimization strategy?

a.            Orange Hat Techniques

  1. Grey Hat Techniques
  2. Shady Hat Techniques
  3. Blue Hat Techniques

Answer: b) Grey Hat Techniques

9) __________ is responsible for hamper the search rankings.

a.            Connecting to your own website from any random website.

  1. Utilizing the same colors of texts as that of your background pages.
  2. Integrating page templates into your page template.
  3. None of the above

Answer: b) Utilizing the same colors of texts as that of your background pages.

10) Which of the following is the correct name for Facebook's ranking algorithm?

a.            Face Rank

  1. Edge Rank
  2. Like Rank
  3. Page Rank

Answer: b) Edge Rank

11) Micro-blogging can be defined as __________.

a.            Mobile related blogs

  1. Blogs posted by companies instead of an individual
  2. Blogs encompassing limited individual posts, which are typically limited by character count.
  3. None of the above

Answer: c) Blogs encompassing limited individual posts, which are typically limited by character count.

12) Name the features offered by LinkedIn for paid business accounts.

a.            Facilitate posting pictures

  1. Facilitate to connect directly and send messages to people
  2. Ability to post in Groups and create a Group
  3. Ability to block users

Answer: b) Facilitate to connect directly and send messages to people

13) In what ways can site traffic help in assessing the market value?

a.            Overall site traffic can be followed, and a general idea of marketing's impact can be determined.

  1. There is no association between the site traffic and marketing
  2. Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked
  3. Product sales from the company website can be attributed directly to the marketing campaign

Answer: c) Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked

14) Creative marketing can be defined as __________.

a.            A marketing department entailing several employees.

  1. The brand value of an organization.
  2. A set of schemes undertaken by the organization for distributing the marketing material.
  3. The marketing content and its inventive aspect.

Answer: d) The marketing content and its inventive aspect.

15) Which of the following is the correct abbreviation CMS?

a.            Content Maintenance Site

  1. Content Maintenance System
  2. Content Management System
  3. Content Marketing System

Answer: C) Content Management System

16) Which of the following doesn't define the correct roles and responsibilities of content marketing strategy?

a.            A strategy that tries to appeal and recall its target audience.

  1. A marketing strategy approach.
  2. Yet another name of social media marketing.
  3. A technique more focused on creating and distributing valuable as well as relevant content to its users/audiences.

Answer: c) Yet another name of social media marketing

17) Which of the following practices are not suggested for producing relevant content?

a.            For creating notable content recurrently, create hero "content for tent-pole events".

  1. For creating valuable content constantly, create a series of scheduled hub" content."
  2. For creating more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.
  3. For creating relevant content consistently, create help" content to answer queries."

Answer: c) For creating more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.

18) Which of the following are essentially required to make a business case for content marketing?

a.            Industry best practices.

  1. Objectives and KPIs.
  2. Impacts and challenges.
  3. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

19) Which of the following metric is used for tracking the status of email marketing?

a.            Conversion Rate

  1. Open Rate
  2. Bounce Rate
  3. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

20) Which of the following features corresponds to the role of the lead nurturing platform?

a.            A/B Testing

  1. Campaigning
  2. Landing Page Creation
  3. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

21) In the email campaign, __________ delivers the advertisements into the group of targeted customers.

a.            Spoofing

  1. Indirect email marketing
  2. Direct email marketing
  3. Spamming

Answer: c) Direct email marketing

22) What will happen if white space is repeatedly used around the object?

a.            It will reduce the readability

  1. It will create a border
  2. It will make it more appealing by augmenting the object
  3. All of the above

Answer: c) It will make it more appealing by augmenting the object

23) __________ plays a vital role in persuading the open rates.

a.            Word choice

  1. Industry
  2. Personalization
  3. None of the above

Answer: c) Personalization

24) Which of the following is the most common delivery channel in terms of mobile marketing?

a.            Graphic

  1. Text
  2. Voice call
  3. Search engine marketing

Answer: b) Text

25) In mobile marketing, the full form of LBS is __________.

a.            Location-based service

  1. List-based service
  2. Lead-based service
  3. None of the above

Answer: a) Location-based service

26) What is meant by Impression Share?

a.            The percentage of times your ad was displayed divided by all possible impressions for that search term.

  1. The percentage of times your ad was displayed when it was eligible to be displayed.
  2. The percentage of times your ad was displayed higher than your primary competitor.
  3. The percentage of impressions you lost due to a low ad rank.

Answer: c) The percentage of times your ad was displayed higher than your primary competitor.

27) In order to assess the maximum revenue generated by an Ad on the app, which of the following metrics is chosen by the developer?

a.            eCPI

  1. eCOM
  2. eCPA
  3. None of the above

Answer: c) eCPA

28) Which of the following formulas is used by Pay-per-click?

a.            Ads clicked (#) / Advertising cost ($)

  1. Advertising cost ($) + Ads clicked (#)
  2. Advertising cost ($) / Ads clicked (#)
  3. Ads clicked (#) * Advertising cost ($)

Answer: c) Advertising cost ($) / Ads clicked (#)

29) The correct formula for determining an actual CPC as when an advertisement is clicked can be mathematically derived as __________.

a.            Position * QS

  1. Impressions * Clicks
  2. Clicks / Impressions
  3. QS * Max CPC (bid)

Answer: d) QS * Max CPC (bid)

30) In which case the conversion rate optimization results in diminishing returns?

a.            When the conversion rate is 30%

  1. In 5 years
  2. When you don't notice any dramatic increase in results
  3. Never

Answer: d) Never

31) Which of the following correctly defines the main concept behind Conversion Optimization?

a.            Rapidly making significant changes to check which one possesses the fastest results

  1. Making insignificant incremental changes over time to check which one possesses the best results
  2. Making numerous changes on your website to check the result
  3. Frequently changing the website's layout to see if it appeals to more audience

Answer: b) Making insignificant incremental changes over time to check which one possesses the best results

32) In what ways can you beat your customer's expectations?

a.            By making your product more appealing

  1. By providing unique services to your customer
  2. By providing great deals in terms of discounts to your customer
  3. By getting appropriate and relevant reviews from your customers on your website

Answer: b) By providing unique services to your customers

33) Google Analytics can never recognize returning users on mobile apps.

a.            True

  1. False
  2. Can be true or false
  3. Not defined

Answer: b) False

34) Which of the following option will correctly give the success rate of the latest Facebook post?

a.            Click-through and pageviews

  1. Impressions and click-through
  2. Likes and Impressions
  3. Reach and engagement

Answer: d) Reach and engagement

35) The hyperlink refers to a __________.

a.            Inbound link

  1. Outbound link
  2. IFTTT link
  3. KPI link

Answer: a) Inbound link

36) What is the correct abbreviation of SERP?

a.            Search Engine Result Page

  1. System Engine Random Page
  2. Search Estimate Result Page
  3. System Estimate Random Page

Answer: a) Search Engine Result Page

37) Where do we use keywords?

a.            Tags

  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

38) How many lines are essentially required to write in the description box of a channel?

a.            5

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 1

Answer: a) 5

39) The correct abbreviation of ROI is __________.

a.            Risk on investment

  1. Return on income
  2. Risk on income
  3. Return on investment

Answer: d) Return on investment

40) __________ falls under the A/B testing tools.

a.            Google Content Experiments

  1. Visual Website Optimizer
  2. Both (a) and (b)
  3. None of the above

Answer: c) Both (a) and (b)

41. What is the full form of SEM?

A.   Social Engine Marketing

B.    Search Engine Marketing

C.   Search Engine Management

D.   Social Engine Management

Answer: B) Search Engine Marketing

42. What is the full form of SEO?

A.   Social Engine Optimal

B.    Search Engine Optimal

C.   Search Engine Optimization

D.   Social Engine Optimization

Answer: C) Search Engine Optimization

 43. Using ____, you improve your site's structure and content and conduct promotional activities to enhance your ranking on search engines.

A.   Search Engine Optimization

B.    Social Media Marketing

C.   Social Media Optimization

D.   Search Engine Marketing

Answer: A) Search Engine Optimization

44. ____ is/are part(s) of SEO.

A.   Off-Page

B.    On-Page

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B

45. In On-Page SEO, website owners use various methods and measures within their own websites to improve their website's ____ on search engines.

A.   Pages

B.    Ranking

C.   Portal

D.   Data

Answer: B) Ranking

46. An on-page search engine optimization strategy involves dealing with elements of SEO within a website, such as ____, etc.

A.   Meta Tags

B.    Technical Tags

C.   Content Quality

D.   All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

47. ____ contain meta tags that contain information about their content.

A.   Pages

B.    Sites

C.   Portals

D.   Browsers

Answer: A) Pages

48. As Meta Tags help search engines ____ the page, they are extremely important in terms of SEO.

A.   Understand

B.    Index

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B

49. All your key ____ related to your page's content are included in the meta tag.

A.   Keywords

B.    Description

C.   Tags

D.   Titles

Answer: A) Keywords

50. A ___ page ranks higher in the search engine than a ___ one.

A.   Long, short

B.    Short, Long

C.   Brief, Short

D.   Brief, Long

Answer: A) Long, short

51. Google may use ____ links to determine trustworthiness.

A.   Content

B.    Sitemap

C.   Outbound

D.   Internal

Answer: C) Outbound

52. Using ____, traffic can be diverted from one page to another by linking popular pages to new ones.

A.   Sitemaps

B.    Internal Links

C.   Meta Tags

D.   Meta Description

Answer: B) Internal Links

53. Image optimization requires ____, etc., to be added to the image.

A.   Alt text

B.    Description

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B

54. In order for search engines to ____, your site, a sitemap is created for it.

A.   Tag

B.    Index

C.   Point

D.   Delete

Answer: B) Index

55. To optimize your URL, it should be less than ___ characters.

A.   256

B.    255

C.   254

D.   257

Answer: B) 255

56. Important Off-Page SEO factor(s) is/are?

A.   Influencer Outreach

B.    Guest posting

C.   Forum Submission

D.   All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

57. Link ____ is an off-page SEO technique that focuses on increasing links to a site.

A.   Disability

B.    Ability

C.   Locality

D.   Popularity

Answer: D) Popularity

58. ____ and Google+ are all social media sites that are utilized in Social Media Optimization to increase traffic and, consequently, ranking for websites.

A.   Facebook

B.    Twitter

C.   LinkedIn

D.   All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

59. Which of the following does not come under Twitter features?

A.   Alert

B.    Analytics

C.   Moments

D.   None of the above

Answer: D) None of the above

60. LinkedIn feature(s) for Marketing is/are -

A.   Ad Campaign on LinkedIn

B.    LinkedIn Group

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B

61. Pinterest feature(s) for Marketing is/are -

A.   Create Pinterest Boards

B.    Join Pinterest Boards

C.   Create a Business Account on Pinterest

D.   All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

62. A search engine marketing strategy uses paid advertisements such as ____ (PPC) ads that appear above organic results in search engine results pages.

A.   Page per click

B.    Point per click

C.   Pay per click

D.   None

Answer: C) Pay per click

63. Unlike paid marketing where you pay for clicks and traffic, ____ gives you a free slot in the search results based on the relevance and quality of your content.

A.   SEO

B.    SMM

C.   SEM

D.   SMO

Answer: A) SEO

64. Google ads are also known as -

A.   PPC advertising

B.    Pay-per-click advertising

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B

65. How many networks do Google ads have?

A.   2

B.    3

C.   4

D.   5

Answer: A) 2

66. When a customer clicks on your PPC ad, they arrive on your ____ page.

A.   Home

B.    About

C.   Landing

D.   Contact

Answer: C) Landing

67. Ads are displayed on websites that have given space to Google for advertising in the ____ network.

A.   Search Engine

B.    Display

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: B) Display

68. Which of the following is not a benefit of email marketing?

A.   Brand awareness is increased as a result.

B.    Based on previous sales and purchases, you can create highly personalized messages or ads.

C.   Your Email Campaign will also provide you with metrics to evaluate its performance.

D.   Smaller Reach

Answer: D) Smaller Reach

69. Select the correct email marketing tool(s) -

A.   Mail chimp

B.    Litmus

C.   Active Campaign

D.   All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

70. Affiliate Marketing is a relationship between -

A.   Advertiser, Publisher

B.    Publisher, Consumer

C.   Consumer, Advertiser

D.   Advertiser, Publisher, and Consumer

Answer: D) Advertiser, Publisher, and Consumer

71. Ads are displayed on websites that have given space to Google for advertising in the ____ network.

A.   Search Engine

B.    Display

C.   Both A and B

D.   None of the above

Answer: B) Display


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About sarma sirasanagandla

Dr S.V.N.Sreenivasu has completed Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, and Completed two Master of Technologies in Computer Science and Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad and Information Technology from Punjabi University, Patiala and Master of Computer Application from Bharathidasan University, Thiruvananthapuram. He is having 19 years of Experience in Teaching and he worked in various positions like Principal, Vice Principal, HoD in various Engineering Colleges. He is currently working as a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Narasaraopeta Engineering College (AUTONOMOUS), Narasaraopet, Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh

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